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Innovative Technologies Pty Ltd

US Market Validation

Case Study

April 30 2018 - The US Department of Energy (DOE)

Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO)

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) supports funding opportunities on photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, system integration, technology to market, and soft costs projects.

“Graphic films could make solar panels more appealing to customers” By Kelly Pickerel / April 30, 2018

Company receives a $1 million grant from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) SunShot Initiative Award.

“A new solution could help secure deals when potential solar customers see modules as eyesores. Sistine Solar produces a graphic film called SolarSkin that installers place on high-efficiency solar panels to blend the modules with the roof. Red Spanish tile roofs can now go solar without the noticeable blue and black rectangles installed on top. The solar installer could instead attach a SolarSkin film that mimics the same red tile design and brings a higher level of aesthetics to the project.”

“Salama said solar panels with SolarSkin lose between 1.8 and 3% in efficiency. A 19% efficient module may become 16% efficient” Its a small thing to lose considering the aesthetics gains the customer receives.”

“The SolarSkin also pushes the solar panel prices up by 5 to 10% Salama said. Customers may be willing to pay for aesthetics.”

“We want solar to become mainstream, we want to find a way to make a product more appealing and get homeowners emotionally exited about solar, and do it in a way that most people can afford.”

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